6/16/2015 M.Sc. Sasa Stevanovic, Executive Director of Managment Company of the PREF, participated at the 8th International Conference on risks in Luxembourg (June 2015)

In the period 15 - 16 June 2015 Executive Director, M.Sc. Sasa Stevanovic had an honor to participate at the 8th International Conference on risks in Luxembourg ("The New Risk Management Paradigm: How Investments, Financial Stability and Regulation will shape the European and Global Financial Markets") sponsored by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank Institute and the European Investment Fund, and shared a presentation on the impact of Internal methodology on capital of banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Repercussion of Internal rating – based approach on banks capital in Bosnia and Herzegovina), as in the attachment.

The presentation material can be found in the section titled "Education" or in the following link: http://www.pref.rs.ba/page/education




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