3/31/2016 Mr Darko Lakic, CEO of Pension Reserve Fund Management Company, participated at the Seventh Pension Congress of Russia (March 2016)

In the period from 17th-18th March 2016 the Seventh Pension Congress of Russia was held in Moscow (VII РОССИЙСКИЙ ПЕНСИОННЫЙ КОНГРЕСС).

Mr Darko Lakic, CEO of Pension Reserve Fund Management Company, participated as one of the speakers at the Congress (http://lbsglobal.com/ru/archive/vii-congress-of-the-russian-pension/speakers), and shared a presentation, which showed economic and institutional environment in Republic of Srpska and BiH, the functioning of the pension system in the Republic of Srpska and PREF, and investment opportunities in the capital market of the Republic of Srpska (in the attachment).




Društvo za upravljanje Penzijskim rezervnim fondom Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

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78000 Banja Luka

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