About us

The Management company of The Pension Reserve Fund Of Republic of Srpska ad Banja Luka and the Pension Reserve Fund of the Republic of Srpska ad Banja Luka have been established in accordance with the Law on Pension Reserve Fund Of Republic of Srpska  (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 73/08, 50/10, 102/12, 20/18).

Law on Pension Reserve Fund Of Republic of Srpska came into force on 16th of August 2008 which created the conditions for the formation of the Management Company of Pension Reserve Fund of Republic of Srpska.

Decision on the Establishment of Pension Reserve Fund of the Republic of Srpska and Management Company of Pension Reserve Fund of Republic of Srpska ad Banja Luka was made at a meeting of The Governing Board of The Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Srpska on 15th of June 2010 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska No. 65/10). 




Društvo za upravljanje Penzijskim rezervnim fondom Republike Srpske a.d. Banja Luka

Bana Milosavljevića 8
78000 Banja Luka

Phone: 051-228-480

Fax: 051-228-488

E-mail: info@pref.rs.ba